Social Studies

  • Sixth Grade - World History
    The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand that the world is comprised of many diverse groups who have made significant contributions to our past and present. Students will understand the shared characteristics among various cultural groups.

    Advanced World History
    Designed for the highly-motivated student who can read and work independently outside of class. Completion of a project for the History Fair is mandatory.

    Integrated Civics
    This state-required course provides a study of the foundations of government and what it means to enjoy the freedoms and liberty that a democracy provides its citizens. The course also integrates economics, geography and career planning.  In order to be promoted from middle school, students must pass an end-of-course exam.

    Advanced Integrated Civics
    Designed for the highly-motivated student who can read and work independently and has a teacher recommendation. Completion of a History Fair project is required. In order to be promoted from middle school, students must pass and end-of-course exam.

    8th Grade - United States History
    The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the development of the United States within the context of history by examining connections to the past to prepare for the future as participating members of a democratic society. Students will use knowledge pertaining to history, geography, economics, political processes, religion, diverse cultures, and humanities to solve problems in academic, civic, social, and employment settings.

    Advanced United States History
    Designed for the self-motivated student who has a teacher recommendation and can read and work independently. Completion of a History Fair project is mandatory.