School Supply List
Required Items:
- 4 Blue Pocket/Prong Folders
- 4 Green Pocket/Prong Folders
- 4 Yellow Pocket/Prong Folders
- 4 Red Pocket/Prong Folders
- 4 Blue Single Subject Spiral Notebooks
- 4 Green Single Subject Spiral Notebooks
- 4 Orange Single Subject Spiral Notebooks
- 4 Red Single Subject Spiral Notebooks
- 3 Colors other than those listed Pocket Prong Folder for Electives
- 3 Colors other than those listed Single Subject Spiral Notebook
- 4 Packs of #2 Pencils
- 4 Packs of Blue or Black Pens
- 4 Packs of College Ruled Notebook Paper
- 4 Glue Sticks
- 2 Packs of Scotch Tape
- 1 Pack of Red Pens
- 1 Pack of Highlighters
- 1 pack of Colored Pencils
- Handheld Pencil Sharpener
- Pencil Pouch
- Calculator
6th Graders: 4 Function Calculator
7th and 8th Graders: Texas Instruments T.I 30X - Wired Headphones (Bluetooth cannot be used on school devices.)
Optional Items:
- Sticky Notes
- Expo Marker
- Lanyard for Student ID - One will be provided by the school.
- Tissues
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Copy Paper
- Protractor and Compass for Geometry
*This list will supply your student with supplies for the entire school year. Some teachers may add additional supplies once school starts.